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EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#Students attending foreign universities included as #import of #service http://t.co/xdmTzARy3i http://t.co/8fhquwRI2P
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankLatest @MunSecConf discussed dangers of collapse in global order, its institutions & its post-war principles http://t.co/gBIQ444VuY @eu_eeas
EU_Eurostat @EU_EurostatEuro area annual inflation confirmed at -0.6% in Jan 2015, lowest since July 2009 #Eurostat http://t.co/U8TU5B4MBk http://t.co/8MHRnhAAcJ
The European Library @EuropeanLibraryThe 1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon takes place on 27/28 FEB 2015 at the #SwissNationalLibrary in Bern. More: http://t.co/yoTdOzlXGH
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank75%+ of #Brussels #lobby community on EU #transparency register: @Europarl_EN wants registration to be mandatory http://t.co/08Lq6eJHjQ
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#Services #trade as proportion of total international trade lags well behind its importance http://t.co/xdmTzARy3i #TTIP #TiSA
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankAnswering a call from a foreign client is #service #export http://t.co/xdmTzARy3i http://t.co/sFss4F5m56
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankCan stronger #economic governance & #Banking union together save the #euro? http://t.co/fr24VmYVCj @EP_Economics #Eurogroup @J_Dijsselbloem
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankRestrict #services #trade at your peril - you may lower international competitiveness of your economy http://t.co/xdmTzARy3i #OECD #WTO
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankImagine the check-in queues when air border crossings reach 720m in 2030, up 80% http://t.co/96Q9NYxXEc @EP_Justice #EUtransport @Bulc_EU
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#EbolaSTOA workshop: March 4 in the #EP. Last chance to register! @PaulRuebig @vickyford http://t.co/4hAmCoOegY
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank.@Europarl_EN's investigative powers: Committees of inquiry & special committees http://t.co/RuAfwpBWRS
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankEU Counter- #terrorism strategy: recent commentary/analysis by think-tanks & research institutes http://t.co/jnURYyFW71
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#Services sector is largest EU employer providing #jobs to over 70% of workforce http://t.co/xdmTzARy3i + image http://t.co/MbGq3P5srW
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#HumanRights activist sentenced to life in #Kyrgysztan. Supreme Court refused to review the case http://t.co/EFiFwxfW5m @IvetaGrigule
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankAs the guns rumble on, we look at the work of @MunSecConf and EU responsibility in international #security http://t.co/adFZPb6cRq #Ukraine
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank.@fet_eu sorry we seem to have our links crossed - this is the correct link to the 10 technologies http://t.co/AQs3oRuyAJ
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankHow far are we with #Ebola vaccines & rapid tests? Learn more at #EbolaSTOA http://t.co/4hAmCoOegY @CharlesGoerens @EP_Development
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTankThe @ecb monetary policy: Strategy, conduct and trends http://t.co/mlrcqx5Bla #EPResearch @EP_Economics @ecfin @pierremoscovici
EP Research Service @EP_ThinkTank#Nigeria North/South divide: in last 16 years, North has held presidency for only 3 years http://t.co/nCsZFuBwtN

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Përkthyer nga edicionet origjinale gjuhësore të Fjalorit Eurovoc (Botimi 4.4) © Bashkimi Evropian, 2012

Përkthimi maqedonas: © Instituti Nacional Demokratik për çështje ndërkombëtare, 2012

Përgjegjësia për përkthim në gjuhën maqedonase shtrihet tërësisht në Institutin Nacional Demokratik për çështje ndërkombëtare

Përkthimi i Eurovok-ut të BE-së në gjuhën maqedonase dhe platforma www.EuroVoc.mk janë prodhuar në
në partneritet mes Sekretariatit për çështje evropiane, Qeverisë së Republikës së Maqedonisë, dhe Institutit
Nacional Demokratik për Çështje Ndërkombëtare
me mbështetje financiare nga Agjencia Zvicerrane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim.